I deeply believe that one’s level of satisfaction with one’s life is strongly connected to the presence of meaning in it. Meaning is not a universal concept, it is something that is subjective to each individual, but there is one important thing that I have learned that acts as probably the strongest medium to create it: the way you approach everything that you do. I first heard the term “craftsman’s approach” from my teacher Ido Portal and conceptualizing it helped me create its meaning for myself.
When we talk about movement culture, we cannot separate it from the community. And community, in order to have a value, needs to be built upon shared ethics, respect and efficient communication. In this text I want to discuss this concept through the perspective of what does it mean to be a good partner, in all facets of this statement: both in class and in life.
The reflexion on what can you extract from such an experience and how to treat discomfort as a teacher.
The Bamboo Body Barcelona is an educational facility where we are creating the environment for growth and learning. The responsibility of our teachers is to facilitate the conditions for every pupil to evolve in the best possible way. We practice what we preach and aim to provide each person with guidance in their personal journey in this. The learning process is only possible, though, when the responsibility is reciprocal, so we are expecting those who want to become our students to respect the following rules we have established in the facility
I cannot put enough stress on the importance of the following statement: a human being can become better at literally anything through exposure to the activity. Our adaptive capacity is remarkable and our ability to acquire new skills is a true miracle of nature and one of the most beautiful displays of its complexity.
No two animals see the world in the same way. The structures of the different eyes that have developed over the course of evolution vary depending on a species’ environment. This is relevant for us, humans, too, even though our eye structures are all the same across different groups, the way we process information is different. Not in a physiological way, but in the way we make sense of what we see.
When we approach anything in life, we find many subtle things in our behavior that are not genetically wired, as one might think, but are the result of the environment we live in and the way we were conditioned to interact with it.
Day by day, our attention becomes more and more an important currency for technology companies. All the apps and ads in them are built in a way that always keeps you distracted. This doesn't help much with productivity, cognitive function and overall feeling of wellbeing.
Recent podcast with Anna made by our friend Nelson Cuadras. An 50 min long talk about struggles of running a facility, prioritizing personal practice and how to organize yourself, among other things.
Previously, I wrote about the processes underlying injuries and some ways to avoid them. Now I want to concentrate on something that might accompany your injuries or even appear without any previous damage, but which definitely has a very strong impact on quality of life - pain.
Our brain's ability to develop new patterns and provide us with learning is the same ability that gets us stuck in the habits we do not want. We tend to develop rigid behaviour as we get older and this is the cause of many problems associated with age. This negative change can be reinforced by your everyday choices if you don't pay attention to it coming, or it can be transformed and used for the purposes of adding quality to your life.
It is a question i often ask myself, because i really want to be one. I want to, out of respect to my teachers, out of respect for people who will come to study from me, out of respect to the practice and to myself. I have learned that in anything you do, being a good practitioner must be a main priority, everything else comes from there. It is especially relevant if you want to become a good teacher.
Human brain is the most complex structure in the universe that we know of. As Neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert quotes: “We have a brain for one reason and one reason only, and that’s to produce adaptable and complex movements.” So how did it happen that in modern society movement is seen as luxury rather than necessity?
What is intelligence for us? According to Oxford dictionary: “Intelligence: ability to acquire knowledge and skill”. Even though the word “skill” is used in a definition, I bet the first thing you imagine when someone mentions an intelligent person will not be a college football player. It is very common to judge intelligence only by the amount of theoretical knowledge.
For a very long time it has been thought that complex physical skills cannot be developed once past a certain age or without the requisite talent. This belief still restricts people in the choice of their physical practice and it would be a great relief for me personally if the fact that this information is wrong reached as many people as possible.
Injury can be a devastating event that puts the end to a sports career or simply leaves you unmotivated to do any kind of physical practice. But depending on how you look at it, it can also be a door into self discovery and a very valuable learning experience. I truly believe it is important to know a bit about the subject even if you are only an amateur. Knowledge is power and possessing at least some sort of correlated information leads to much wiser decisions and better assessments of the situations.
In Bamboo Body we have a special section where we gathered very special set of tools that is aimed specifically on development of people involved in Motor Sports.
We share with you our “immune booster Juice and some additional nutritional recommendations from our nutritionist, Kiira Cabrera.
Glenn is a writer who finds inner peace in Movement which helps him become inspired when he sits downs in front of a blank sheet of paper. Now he trains with The Bamboo Body and says he can positively develop himself in different physical and psychological aspects.